Rapunzel Hair Growth Challenge Update: Month 2

Rapunzel Hair Growth Challenge Update: Month 2
No caption necessary :)
Okay umm...can we pause for a second and just reflect on the fact that October is already here?! Like, the summer is gone. LA weather ain't tryna hear that story tho - but fall is officially here.

I'm two months in to my #RapunzelGrowthChallenge, and we've just got October to go and I'm all done! Now that I've got 2 months with the vitamins under my belt, I feel more confident discussing the vitamins and their effectiveness. But before I deep-dive into alladat, let's do a quick measurement-based check-in:

Rapunzel Hair Growth Challenge Update: Month 2
Measurements shown L to R in the order below.
Starting Measurements August 1st, 2016:
Over Left Ear: 8 and 3/4 inches
Back Left: 11 inches
Front and Center: 9 inches

Measurements from August 31st, 2016:
Over Left Ear: 9 and 3/4 inches
Back Left: 10 and 1/2 inches**
Front and Center: 10 inches

Current Measurements September 30th, 2016:
Over Left Ear: 10 and 3/4 inches
Back Left: 11 and 3/4 inches
Front and Center: 11 inches

**If you're wondering why my hair was shorter at the end of August as opposed to longer, click here to read about how I had to cut some of my hair before month 1 was over.

To be honest, I'm incredibly impressed with Rapunzel's HairTherapy vitamins thus far, for a couple of different reasons. Now that I'm officially into month 3 of the vitamins with 2 whole months under my belt, I'm ready to deliver a serious list of pros and cons to help you decide if the Rapunzel HairTherapy vitamin may be right for you.

Consistent Growth & Fullness
Men lie, bloggers lie, numbers don't. There's a reason why I'm using a tape measure and not a t-shirt this time around. Not only is it easier to track and manage, the results are way more accurately reflected. By targeting three sections of my hair, I'm able to get a true sense of the efficacy of the Rapunzel HairTherapy vitamins. And the results are in - I'm pretty much averaging a full inch of growth per month - which is significantly above my typical 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. And as you can see in the comparison photos, my hair is filling out nicely. Thanks to Rapunzel HairTherapy, I have more healthy hair coming in, and I'm on track to achieving those 2014 levels of fullness that I'm after. Heck - by the end of the year, I might have the length back, too! I'm not a short cut/corner cut kinda gal, but I'm all in favor of a lil' booster. And I can definitely say that Rapunzel HairTherapy is giving me that boost.

Rapunzel Hair Growth Challenge Update: Month 2
5th Day Wash & Go with Rapunzel Hair Lotion
No Breakouts
Truth telling time: would you sacrifice great skin for hair down to your butt?

Yeah, me neither.

Although I want my mane to be majestic as all get out, I'm not going to sacrifice great skin to get there. What I love about Rapunzel HairTherapy vitamins is that I have not experienced any breakouts (outside of the pesky 1 or 2 I get when that time rolls around). No little bumps, no huge zits - none of that. Oddly enough, lately I've been feeling like my skin is improving. I can likely attribute that to an improved diet, decent water intake, drinking ACV regularly, and physical activity. But the good news is, the vitamins aren't making my skin worse - and that's to be celebrated.

No Crazy Hair Growth Other Places
Another concern with hair growth vitamins is the potential to experience accelerated growth in places we don't want to. I'm happy to report that I'm not having that experience with Rapunzel HairTherapy vitamins. Everything is as it always was, which is a relief. The one thing I am beginning to notice is nail growth. About a week and a half (or maybe 2 weeks ago) I gave myself an at home gel manicure and I've definitely got that growth space between my cuticle and polish.

Rapunzel Hair Growth Challenge Update: Month 2
Yep, still using Hair Lotion and Protein Deep Conditioner too!
Solid Ingredients
Of course Rapunzel HairTherapy vitamins contain some of the same nutrients found in other hair growth vitamins - including biotin, anti-oxidant A and E vitamins, MSM, the B-complex, folic acid, and more. But what I was more fascinated by was the proprietary blend and the scientifically backed effectiveness of the ingredients. Studies have shown that the EGCG found in green tea extract promotes the growth of hair follicles, and boosts hair production. Grape Seed Extract is also believed to quicken the transition between the resting and growth phase, and stimulate follicle production as well.Saw palmetto is a well known hair growth aid and DHT blocker, and L-Cysteine and L-Methionine are semi and essential amino acids are necessary for protein synthesis, and a part of the building blocks of hair. Now, I'm no scientist or medical professional - so don't take this as gospel. I just found it cool.

Rapunzel Hair Growth Challenge Update: Month 2
No Decrease in Shedding
I didn't notice any decreases in shedding with HairTherapy. Y'all...hair sheds. It's supposed to shed. It's a part of the growth cycle of hair. Circle of life and jazz. What freaks me (and most people out) is experiencing a decrease in shedding while taking a particular vitamin, stopping, and practically going bald. So while I feel like the density of my hair is on track for greatness, I'm confident that when I stop taking HairTherapy, life will go on without adverse impact - which is why I listed this as a pro!

Works with Other Supplements
As I mentioned in my inaugural post, I suspended my normal vitamin regimen. I didn't want to give the impression that I'm boosting the performance of the vitamin by doubling or tripling up on what HairTherapy may already contain. Plus, the water soluble vitamins would just be pee'd out...and having extra fat soluble vitamins stored away is not a good idea. I've only been taking my Amazing Grass Wheatgrass, Black Currant Oil, Calcium, and Mercola Krill Oil along with the HairTherapy Multivitamins. I haven't experienced any adverse effects, stomach upset or otherwise.

Not Available on the Ground
Y'all are gonna hate me but... after thinking long and hard about the vitamin, this is the only con I could find. Although ordering online isn't a hassle at all (Rapunzel has amazingly efficient shipping), it would be super nice to have them on the ground in stores like Target, Sally Beauty, or even GNC and Vitamin Shoppe.

But other than that, the HairTherapy vitamins are golden! I can't wait to report back at the end of October with my month 3 results!

Got questions? Leave 'em in the comments below!


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