When I first got my Deva Cut, I thought all things would stay the same. In fact, that very night I just threw a little tgin Butter Cream on my hair, scarf pineappled, and went on my merry little way to dreamland. The next morning, I woke up (a little shocked) with a serious case of mushroom-top hair. Meaning, the hair at the front and center of my hair is more tightly wavy (because it definitely ain't no curl), and shrinks up into a mini mushroom while the rest of my hair just hangs. I knew about this phenomena during my transition, which is why many of my wash and go styles started off looking like this while they dried:
Because I don't want to spend half of my day rocking a style I didn't intend to for the sake of my hair setting and drying, I figured I needed to do something. While I still do the above pin back situation as my hair is drying (as evidenced by the first photo in this post), I had to think about the days ahead. Wash and go's require refreshing and moisture, both of which would revert me back to mini mushroom-dom. Rather than refresh my hair in the morning, I decided to refresh at night, and rock the modified pineapple below:
After I went through my hair thoroughly with my Q-Redew and Soultanicals Fluffalicious Curl Nutricious, and did a throwback to my banding days. Using 6 scrunchies, I gathered my hair into two medium-large sections, parted slightly off center (because this is how I wear my hair most days...okay, like, every day). I banded those two sections with 3 scrunchies each, about 2 inches apart (give or take). They are loose enough to not tug at the ends, but secure enough to stretch. They are new scrunchies, so that was only about 2 or 3 loops around. I left the sides and back of my hair down, because they don't shrink nearly as much, and I proceeded to scarf pineapple as usual. The bottom two pictures in the grid show how my hair looked when I woke up this morning, and I'm sure they highlight the reason why I also sleep on a satin pillowcase every night. So, how did night banding work out for me?
Pretty darn well, if I must say so myself. My hair is moisturized, full of body, stretched, full, and just all around awesome. I'm having a great day 2 hair day. FYI, for this wash and go I used tgin Twist and Define Cream only. It wasn't until I got home at night that I was able to hit it with the Q-Redew and lock in some light moisture with Soultanicals Fluffalicious Curl Nutricious.
I love easy quick fixes!
Deva Cut
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