Ten Tools Every Hair Type Should Have in Their Arsenal...

Whether relaxed bone straight, 137% natural, transitioning, texturized, kinky, curly, colored or cut, there are some supplies every woman should have in her haircare arsenal. The great news? None of the tools cost over 3 bucks (if you do it the right way). Oh, now you're excited! Read on...

10. Tattered Rags -- Whether they be old towels you bleached to kingdom come that one time on accident, or old faded t-shirts from an ex, having cloths you don't care about are beneficial to any regimen. From drying hair post-shampoo, to protecting your sink/floor during a messy henna treatment, these tattered rags come in super handy -- because you don't care if they get dirty or discolored.

9. Plastic Caps/Grocery Bags -- Clear plastic caps are great for protecting a style in the shower, and holding in moisture for a deep or overnight conditioning. They are usually no more than $2 a pack, and hold up pretty well. Cool bonus: recycle your plastic grocery bags! They work just the same as plastic caps, if not better. Just pile your hair in, use the handles to tie the bag closed,  and ta-da!

8. Butterfly Clamps/Clips -- These clips are a lifesaver when its time to detangle, separate, or style hair. They're cheap (around $2 bucks for a 12 pack at Sally's), easy to use, and easy to clean.

7. Banana Clip -- Super throwback, right? I have recently fallen in love with this hair blast from the past all over again. The banana clip has officially replaced my scrunchie for buns, ponytails, and other styles. They are easy to use, secure hair well without tension, and are incredibly versatile. Cop yours at Wal-Mart for $3 for a 3-pack.

6. Applicator Bottle -- Sure, you could use it for its original intended purpose; mixing and applying hair color. It's also a great tool for moisturizing your scalp. If you tend to get heavy handed with the oils like me, a narrow tipped applicator bottle will become your saving grace. It allows for precise application of oils to your scalp or hair, which is a bonus while rocking a straightened style (bye bye greasies). Just remember: the harder you squeeze the bottle, the more your product comes out!

5. Spray Bottle -- Cue the soul glow! Nah, I'm kidding. Sometimes, products come in packages that are more of a pain than purposeful (like Infusium 23 Repair & Renew Leave-In). Or maybe you want to moisten your hair with water, without dunking your head in the sink. Or maybe you think a certain product is too thick, and you need a way to water it down and disseminate it evenly throughout your hair. All of the above and more are great uses for the spray bottle. Grab yours at Sally's or Target (in the travel sized bottle section) for a few pennies over $1.

 4. Bobby Pins -- You can never, ever, EVER have too many bobby pins. Large, small, colored or not, these little fellas are a life saver. From faux hawk sculpting, to bun securing or just keeping my growing out bangs in place, bobby pins add dimension and variety to any style. I am known to have bobby pin stashes in my house, car, work bag, gym bag, and purse if I am carrying one (I hate purses... especially big ones. All they do is allow you to carry around unnecessary junk. Tell me I'm lying!). But the point is, bobby pins are incredibly useful and multifaceted.

3. Wide Tooth Comb -- Once your hair reaches an inch long, a wide tooth comb becomes somewhat of a staple in your arsenal. I know, most short hair ladies use rat tail or fine tooth combs. I'm not knocking you if you do but, how much of your hair ends up in the sink? At least use a wide tooth comb to prep your hair for whatever you're doing...before reaching for that denman or rat tail comb. Right now, I'm rolling with my Target special aka Conair wide tooth comb that hit me for around $3.

 2. Satin Scarf/Bonnet -- Do I really need to explain why sleeping on anything less than satin is a bad idea? Didn't think so.

 And theeeee most important tool of all......... Drumroll, please!

1. A Hair Journal -- Huh? What? How is this #1? Let me explain. If you're anything like me, you can't remember what you wore to work yesterday....let alone what combination of products and procedures you used on your hair last week. So keep a journal. Put an app like colornote on your phone, keep a literal journal, or heck, keep a blog! This blog is just as much for me as it is y'all. The point is for you to record what products your hair loved, hated, and everything inbetween. No need in making the same mistake twice, or forgetting how to do that dope style from two Mondays ago.

Are there any tools you can't live without?


  1. Your number 1 is so true. The sole purpose of me having a blog that includes my hair journey is so that I can document what the heck I'm doing to my hair. I tried the written journal but was horrible at keeping up with it. Blogs are so much fun and documents your journey effortlessly, add as much or as little as you like. of course the more the better for you and others that are interested in what you are doing with your hair.

  2. So true! I feel bad sometimes, thinking that my blog helps me more than it helps my readers, lol. Thank you for reading! :-)

  3. Uhhh guys...someone ever tell you yellow text on white background doesn't work?! can't read a thing!

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