The Mane Objective is on Instagram!

Last week, I asked some of my Facebook friends and Mane Objective readers to weigh in on the next move for the blog. Tumblr? Migrate to WordPress? A Facebook Page?

The responses I recieved were unanimous (except for some jokesters --- April & Joanna --- who thought BlackPlanet and AIM Chatrooms would be great for the blog...lmao). Everyone thought Instagram was the way to go. we go! The Mane Objective is officially on Instagram. I'm going to try to stick mostly to haircare and natural hair photos, but I'm sure some of my everyday life will seep in.

I'm still new at this, so I'm not hip to all the lingo -- follow me? Insta me? Gram me? Whatever it is, the name on Instagram is maneobjective.

If you've got some pics you want to share on The Mane Objective's Instagram, e-mail me!

Have a great week on purpose!!!


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