A week or so ago on Instagram, I tossed out the idea of launching a new series on the blog, all about wellness. I have really enjoyed incorporating health and wellness posts on The Mane Objective, and I want to take it a step further. Don't worry, there will still be TONS of natural hair content -- but I just wanted to expand the boundaries of wellness beyond working out and eating right.
Each Wednesday, I will be rolling out a post, video, guest blog, or tips on addressing wellness from a holistic perspective. Get ready for the next 7 weeks to be an enlightening journey into a totally well you! Well, and me too. We will be learning, growing, and building together :-)
Week 1: Spiritual Wellness
Week 2: Emotional/Mental Wellness
Week 3: Physical Wellness
Week 4: Social Wellness
Week 5: Occupational Wellness
Week 6: Environmental Wellness
Week 7: Intellectual Wellness
Note: There are other categories or types of wellness, but I believe these 7 are the core foundation of a holistically well being. I'm excited to dive deeper into these topics....are you?
If you have questions about the series, or have some content suggestions e-mail me at info@maneobjective.com!