This video has been a loooong time coming. But I finally got my act together and edited this video. A twist and curl is an excellent option for those who don't have the time or know-how to execute complicated styles, but want an effective way to blend those pesky heat damaged or relaxed ends with healthy, natural roots.
Having some trouble embedding the video in this post today (I don't know what's going on!), so here's the link: Twist and Curl Tutorial
To achieve a soft, moisturized, shiny twist and curl that holds for days, I used:
Salon Care Grey (Long) Perm Rods
Giovanni 2Chic Avocado & Olive Oil Ultra Moist Leave-In and Styling Elixir (click here for a review on this product)
DIY Flaxseed Shea Custard
- 3 parts flaxseed gel
- 1 part melted shea butter
- whipped together for 2-3 minutes with a hand mixer
I sprayed the hair with curl gel spray while it was wet before twisting and pinned the twists with a clip while it dried. Thanks so much for the tip. !! Hair Salon NJ
You're welcome!!!