I'm super duper excited about this opportunity. Just in case I didn't plug all the details beforehand, here we go!
Tomorrrow (Sunday, March 23rd 2014) I will be participating in a Google+ hangout with +Ouidad , along with other panelists Evelyn Lugo of EvCurlGurl.com and Crystal Tate of StyleBlazer.com -- moderated by the lovely Ty Alexander of GorgeousinGrey.com.
The hangout will go live at 2:30pm EST and end at 3:30pm EST (which is 11:30am - 12:30pm for my LA ladies).
The topic is all about FRIZZ! You can submit any questions you have about frizz -- how to tame it, how to find the source of frizz in your regimen, protecting against weather-induced frizz, and more! Just submit your questions to +Ouidad with the hashtag #FRIZZ101 via the following:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Ouidad
Instagram & Twitter: @Ouidad
Google+: www.google.com/+OuidadTheCurlExperts
Here's the link to the Google+ Hangout RSVP:
Oh, and here's a little insider information for all my dope Mane Objective readers and subscribers: I'll be doing an Ouidad GIVEAWAY soon! Here's the hint: I just did a review on this product :) Stay tuned for the giveaway details!
I hope to see you all on the hangout! If this goes well, expect to be hanging out again with me soon :)
And lastly, thank you ALL for your love and support! It means the world!!!