6 Ways to Beat Frizzy Natural and Transitioning Hair

 Frizz: some naturals embrace it, others hate it. For me personally, there is a right time and place for frizz -- and it is not after I've worked super hard to achieve a defined style or a straightened look. Take a look at these 6 tips for fighting the battle against the frizz, and keep your curly hair in check longer!

Check the Weather
Ahhh, humidity: the natural enemy of curly hair. One of the best ways to brace your hair against humidity and frizz is to check the weather report. Low temperatures generally mean low humidity, which means the air will literally suck the moisture out of your hair. When temperatures and humidity run high, the opposite occurs, and your hair swells with the uptake of moisture from the atmosphere, causing frizz. Knowing what to expect can help you plan accordingly! 

Need more tips? Click here to read the rest at NaturallyCurly.com!