Ask Away Wednesday Episode 2: Moisturizing Dry Hair, Growth, and Taking Vitamins

I'm a day late, a dollar short, and several courses shy of getting my life together! I was supposed to release this video yesterday, especially after skipping last week, but can we say technical difficulties? I almost scrapped this video, too. It's a little out of focus for the majority of it -- I'm sorry! I'm really still trying to learn how to work this camera. I'm also trying to get the info a bit more organized -- putting similar questions and questions on the same topics together. And for the love of Jesus, I will most certainly be working on condensing the amount of time on each video. My new goal is 10 minutes or less -- prepare for some fast talking! Lol...

To make it up to you all, I'll be rolling out 2 more #AskAwayWednesday videos this week -- talking about transitioning, fighting shrinkage, and more! Stay tuned!

This week's video is mainly about moisture -- how to moisturize chronically dry hair, affordable moisturizers, and of course, product recommendations. I also chit chat a little about how to break through length plateaus, and using vitamins and supplements for hair growth.

Got questions of your own? Leave them below! Enjoy!!!

Ask away:

Video Highlights:
TGIN Review (Butter Cream Daily Moisturizer and Honey Miracle Hair Mask):

Camille Rose Naturals Curl Love Moisture Milk Review:

Lawrence Ray Concepts Shake & Go Review:

Camille Rose Naturals Holiday Collection (Nourishing Cream Hair Bath) Review:

Christina's Choice 2014 Deep Conditioners:
Are Vitamins & Supplements Necessary?:

Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe to my channel!